d2-20 героев для выбора
d3 -30 героев для выбора
d4 -40 героев для выбора
d5 -50 героев для выбора
s5 -количество скилов равна 5.
s6 -количество скилов равна 6
ra - 5 и 6 слот рандом скилы
fn - крипы появляются сразу после старта
ss - позволяет видеть выбор навыков противника
ab - антибекдор
ul - бесконечное количества уровня(Отключен)
os - одни и теже навыки не могут выбраны дважды на двух сторонах
eb - минимальный балан скилов , некоторые скилы не идут вместе.(Отключен)
ls - Предельные навыки , вы не можете иметь более 2-х пассивных навыков, более 2-х навыков от одного героя , или более 2-х станы
3ls -Предельные навыки , вы не можете иметь более 3-х пассивных навыков, более 3-х навыков от одного героя , или более 2-х станы
ma -позволяет как Ultimates в режиме -S6 , чтобы извлечь выгоду из Scepter Aghanim даже за пределами -bo
rc - Rearm Combos, allows to combine amost any spell with Rearm
fr -быстрый респавн
du - одного героя можно взять дважды
rm2 -mdd2s6frscdurcffbo3ls
rm3 -sdd3s6frscdurcffbolsos
rm4 -ardms6frscdurcffbols
rm5 -aps6frscdurcffbols
rm6 -mdd2s6frscdurcffbolsai
rm7 -ardms6frscdurcffbolsom
rm8 -mdd2s6frscdurcffbolsidpm
- Fixed Bloodstone on Deathmatch not reducing charges on death
- Helm of Dominator gives captured unit 350 Movespeed if it have lower (as it should be)
- Kelen Dagger / Heart of Tarrasque disabling by damage any player unit bug fixed
- Fixed: if bloodstone have 2 charges it will lose only 1 charge on death instead 2
- Fixed: psi-blades should now work through magic immune targets, ancients and spirit bear, dealing pure damage, spell immune penetrating
- Psi Blades AoE effect improved, it now more consistent
- Penitence missing slow fixed
- Remote mines double damage bug fixed
- Living armor can't find target automatically fixed
- Goblin's greed aghanim's share bug fixed (was giving networth to both alche and target)
- Heartstopper Aura real range fixed (1200, as it should be. Was 1000 before)
- Heartstopper Aura fixed (used to deal 0 damage)
- Icarus Dive wrong dmg numbers fixed
- Overgrow no longer affects invisbile units and damages around hero with agh
- Fixed Psionic Trap affecting allies
- Permanent Dust bug with Dismember Upgraded fixed (big thx to wasdz0r for replay)
- Fixed all possibilities of fake-Dust effect permanently affecting heroes
- Fixed bug which allowed Octarine's Core spell lifesteal to be shared
- Fixed (?) permanent frost tints (e.g. skadi) on units
- Tranquil Boots state change will now adjust movement speed as well (you had to re-order again before to use new movespeed value)
- Following abilities can't be stolen by spell steal: Berserker rage, Arctic burn, Reality, Deactivate Ghost Walk, End Soul Steal
- Fixed Skadi's slow effect being swapped (lasting 2.5s on melee and 5s on range, now vice versa as it should be).
Balance and tooltips
- Removed -fn mode (Fast Neutrals)
- All abilities got their own casttime, hero casttime and cast backswings removed
- Santa hats removed
- Added many new fun names for heroes
- Skills will now always have static positions
- Removed -ul (unlimited levels) from all hcl modes (doesn't exist any longer)
- Default mode (if no mode was given) switched from -sd3lszmeb to -sds6ff
- Added HCL mode "mdls" = "-mds6ff3ls"
- "Suspicious click on Rune" text removed
- All devoured skills have 4 levels, hero gets skill based on devour level on eating moment. More information in Annex 1. Weakest skills got goodest buffs
- They are still worse then hero skills analogs but better then was, makes you choosing between some other except 2-3 creeps even in late game
- Grey wolf and Little Mud Golem doesn't switch hero abilities when eaten.
- Synergy now works on Nether Ward, giving it 1/2/3/4 bonus hp, based on Synergy level
- Synergy now works on Frozen Sigil: Adds Truesight ability to the Sigil with 100/150/200/250 AoE.
- Thunder Strike now reveals you if you're invisible and affected by it (initial target)
Gold and Exp:
- Added 100 bonus AS to Roshan
- Rearm can no longer be picked with Spirit Bear
- Gold and Exp for Mega Treants from Furion's ulti +100%
- Gold and Exp for Enigma's Eidolons -20%
- Gold for Beetles (Weaver 1) ~-15%, Exp -50%
- Exp for Raise Dead zombies (Space Orc 1) -50%
- Exp for Spiderlings and Spiderites (brood 1) -20%
- Tooltips fixes: observer wards, berserker's call (wrong cd and duration), call down (wrong debuff icon), sand king, earth spirit, dragon knight, earth spirit, shuriken toss, wind walk (bh), Overgrowth, Doom (abil), Finger of Death, Primal split (agh), leap (% bonus), track (real duration 30 sec, not 20), frost armor (neutral ogre and devoured), radiance (wrong dmg bonus), goblin's greed (wrong numbres), sprint and many others.
- Attack and/or cast Backswings of many heroes improved (more information in Annex 2)
- Pit lord turn rate from 0.4 to 0.5
- Anti-mage armor +1, base attack time from 1.45 to 1.6
- Bone Fletcher base attack time from 1.6 to 1.7, INT from 20+2.3 to 20+2.0
- Spectre base HP regen from 0.25 to 0.5, base dmg +4, base movespeed 295 -> 300
- Mortred base dmg +4
- Arc Warden STR -2, INT -2
- Slark Base Attack Time 1.7 -> 1.6
- Rubick all stats growth +0.2, attack range 600 -> 625
- Bristleback Base damage +2
- Phoenix base HP regen 0.25 -> 3.0, base AGI 19 -> 16
- Ogre Lord Base Attack time 1.8 -> 1.7
- Terrorblade base STR 18 -> 14, STR Growth 1.9 -> 1.7, base armor 1.6 -> 4, base HP regen 0.25 -> 1.5, base Movespeed 315 -> 325
- Viper Base AGI +2 and dmg +2
- Naix Lifestealer STR growth 2.4 -> 2.5, AGI 18+1.9 -> 20+2.4
- Earth spirit base dmg +4, base STR +1
- Gyrocopter base attack time 1.7 -> 1.8 (but don't forgot that his attack backswing was greatly improved)
- Morphling Base attack time 1.7 -> 1.6
- Zeus armor +1, STR 19+1.9 -> 23+2.3, Base INT 20 -> 21, attack range 500 -> 450
- Clockwerk Goblin armor +1, base AGI 13 -> 15, attack range from 128 to 150
- Dragon Knight Base STR 20 -> 23, Base Attack Time (melee form only) 1.7 -> 1.6
- Alchemist AGI 19->12, Agi+ 2.1 -> 1.4
- Undying base STR +5, AGI to 9+1.0, base armor +1
- Geomancer AGI growth 3.1 -> 3.0, base MS 315 -> 310
- Venomancer Base HP regen STR growth 1.85 -> 2.1, base AGI +2 movespeed 295 -> 300
- Sand King base HP regen 0.25 -> 3.5
- Ember Spirit base attack time 1.7 -> 1.6, base armor +1
- Nerubian Assasin Base Hp Regen 2.5 -> 1.5
- Puck Base HP regen 0.25 -> 1.5, AGI growth 1.7 -> 2.3
- Witch Doctor attack range 600 -> 650
- Winter Wyvern attack range 500 -> 450
- QoP Akasha attack range 600 -> 550
- Tinker attack range 550 -> 500
- Sorceress base MS 305 -> 320
- Dazzle base MS 305 -> 310
- Ancient Apparition STR grow 1.4 -> 1.7, AGI growth 2.2 -> 2.4, base movespeed 295 -> 300, base HP regen 0.25 - > 0.75
- Thrall base Movespeed 300 -> 310, base INT 22 -> 24
- Invoker INT growth 2.5 -> 3.2, base movespeed 295 -> 290
- Skywrath base STR 19 -> 15
- Oracle attack range 620 -> 625
- KOTL base INT +5
- Formless attack range 500 -> 600
- Shadow Shaman base HP regen 0.25 -> 1, base armor +1
- Geomancer basic spellres from 35% to 25% (as all heroes)
- Phantom lancer collision size normalized (8 - > 24), attack range 128 -> 150 because his halberd is long
- Space Orc AGI from 17 + 1.9 to 20+2.4, base armor +0.5
- Jakiro Attack Range 500 -> 450
- Admiral stats changed (More STR, lower AGI and INT)
- Tiny STR and INT increased, AGI reduced, base MS reduced
- Dark Seer AGI reduced
- Flesh Golem model size scale 0.9 -> 1.0 (increased a bit)
- Torrent added into Stun diminishing returns system
- Counter helix proc on attack landed instead of on attack start (works if attack missed)
- Added visual effect on Psi Blade for secondary targets
- Relocate now provides a ping onto teleportation point to all players, including enemies, even if not visible to them.
- Destroying Psionic Trap will no longer cause it's slow effect to apply
- Ball Lightning carriers have only 25% chance to proc Essence Aura instead 40%
- Essence aura radius 1400 -> 900 (standart aura radius)
- Gravekeepers's cloak fixed/buffed: it will not lose charges from damage types whose damage can't be reduced by this ability (pure, divine), minimum damage for broke layer increased from 2 to 3 (calculated after dmg redusing by armor/spellres)
- Familiars ms improved a bit 380/390/400 -> 375/400/425, Max Damage from 56/98/154 to 70/126/182
- Changed Familiars spawning points
- Soul Steal (Lobster) manacost increased 60 -> 60/65/70/75, cd 12 -> 15/14/13/12, will not interrupted by silence anymore, cast range increased from 400 to 400/425/450/475 and interruption range increased from 600 to 600/650/700/750.
- "Forge Spirit" renamed to "Forged Spirits"
- Forge Spirits will always summon 2 spirits. Manacost 75 -> 75/100/125/150
- Stats rescaled as well to fit
- Synergy bonus now based on Synergy level instead Forge Spirits level. Always giving alacrity buff (because alacrity was nerfed)
- Fixed Doom (skill) casttime (was 0.3 instead 0.5), epicenter base cast time from 1.2 -> 1.5
- Added static cast time to: nether strike (0.8 sec), requem of souls (1 sec), epicenter (1.5 sec), echo stomp (1.4 sec), teleportation (3.0 sec), overpower (0.3 sec, will be increased to 0.5 if will be OP).
- Epicenter manacost increased by 50, casttime from 1.2 -> 1.5
- Bristleback's "Bristleback" got overnerf in 3 paragraphs before — 0.1 sec cooldown (prevention crashes, but it's heavy nerf) + percentage nerf + altered mechanic of damage reductions stacking.
- After all of this percentages of BB passive moved back (reverted) from 32/12% to 40/20%.
- Added missing "True strike" on Walrus Punch and Vendetta hits (they can never miss now)
- Walrus Punch lifting time (1 sec) can't be decreased
- Walrus Kick cooldown 12 -> 10 (as on tooltip)
- Eyes in the forest 35 cooldown as on tooltip (was 30)
- Chaos strike chance increased to 12% (was 10% when 15% on tooltip)
- Cold Embrace can't be multicasted anymore because it may give many problems for self team and very OP if will casted on same target
- Force of nature can't be multicasted. All ideas about "how it should work" are bad.
- Demonic Conversion Eidolons stats improved a bit, faster doubling with synergy.
- Mind Control cooldown 50 -> 70/60/50
- Spell Shield reflection chance reduced from 30% to 12/16/20/24%, spellres bonus from 26/34/42/50% to 20/30/40/50%
- Drunken brawler chance to crit and evade decreased from 10/15/20/25% to 10/14/18/22%
- Blade Dance crit chance rescaled from 20/25/30/35% to 18/24/30/36%
- Mortal Wounds % damage reduced from 30/35/40/45%/sec to 20/28/36/44%
- Lightning Storm (Leshrak) manacost 90/100/110/120 -> 85/90/95/100
- Caustic Finale damage 90/120/150/180 -> 60/100/140/180
- Great Cleave splash radius 200 -> 225, splash 30/40/50/60% -> 30/42/54/66% (tooltip was 20/35/50/65%)
- Scorched Earth manacost 120 -> 100
- Flamebreak manacost 140 -> 110/120/130/140, duration 3/4/5/6 -> 4/5/6/7, should no longer interrupts victim
- Rexxar's Wild Axes can't be targeted on unit, only on ground.
- Rexxar's Call of the Wild Cooldown 40 -> 42/38/34/30
- Poison Touch manacost 100 -> 70, Castrange 600 -> 600/650/700/750
- DK Dragon Blood regen from 2/3/4/5 to 3/5/7/9
- Centaur's Return bonus from stat dmg 30/42/54/66% -> 30/45/60/75%
- Enchant CD 30/25/20/15 -> 30/24/18/12
- Blackhole CD 200/190/180 -> 200/180/160
- Concussive Shot manacost 110 -> 95
- Disruption Illusion lifetime 5/6/7/8 -> 8/10/12/14, damage taking 150% -> 200%
- Electric Vortex manacost 100/110/120/130 -> 85
- God's Strenght Agh bonus aura 50/75/100% -> 75/100/125%
- Whirling Death manacost 70/80/90/100 -> 70, debuff duration 7 -> 14
- Maledict Manacost 120 -> 105/110/115/120, Cast Range 525 -> 575
- Skewer max range 750/900/1050/1200 -> 900/1000/1100/1200, slow 40% -> 25/30/35/40%, slow duration 2.5 sec -> 2.5/2.75/3/3.25
- NerubAss Impale duration from 0.52 + 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25 -> 0.5 + 1.2/1.5/1.8/2.1
- Lion's Impale manacost 100/120/145/170 -> 100/120/140/160, duration 0.5 + 1.1/1.4/1.7/2.0, castrange 500 -> 650 (real range is same 700)
- Thunder Strike (Thrall 1) reveals target invisibility while working.
- Fatal Bonds castrange 800 -> 1000, CD 25 -> 24/22/20/18, targets 3/5/7/9 -> 3/4/5/6
- Battery Assault (Clockwerk 1) Cooldown 32/28/24/20 -> 24/22/20/18
- Teleportation cooldown from 50/40/30/20 to 70/55/40/25, manacost from 50 to 75
- Earthbind cooldown increased from 9/8/7/6 to 11/10/9/8... for real.
- Deafening blast maximum range 1000 -> 900
- Suicide Squad, Attack! cooldown 80 -> 125/110/95/80
- Fireshow: Chance 25/30/35/40 -> 30/35/40/45 on melee, 2/3 of this chance on ranged, damage from 100% to 50/60/70/80%, based on Fireshow level
- Fire Stomp: stun increased from 1/2/3/4 sec to 2.2/2.8/3.4/4 sec
- Slithereen Crush ccooldown increased from 8 to 10 sec, manacost increased a bit from 80/95/105/115 to 90/100/110/120
- Frost Arrows ms slow buffed from 11/24/39/60% to 15/30/45/60%
- Searing Arrows manacost from 10 to 10/9/8/7
- Poison Attack manacost from 20 to 16
- Poison Sting DPS increased by 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5% of enemy's max hp, damage type is now Magical instead Divine (but goes over Magic Immunity)
- Earthshock (ursa 1) cd from 5 to 6 sec
- Thunder clap (brewmaster) cooldown from 13 to 12 (as intented on tooltip), manacost from 90/105/130/150 to 90/105/120/135
- Split Earth manacost 100/125/140/160 -> 100/120/140/160 because read old numbers. Seems some illogical.
- Ravage Cooldown decreased from 150 to 150/135/120, stun duration 0.52 + 1.5/1.8/2.25 -> 0.5 + 1.5/1.9/2.3
- Chronosphere CD 130/115/100, with agh 100/85/70. Manacost 150/225/300 -> 200/225/250
- Telekinesis manacost from 120 to 105/110/115/120, cast range increased by 100 (550/575/600/625 -> 650/675/700/725), letting you make first hit. Lifting duration can't be decreased.
- Fade bolt manacost 3 & 4 lvl fixed
- Rage rescaled: as bonus 30/45/60/80% -> 50/60/70/80, duration 2/3/4/5 sec -> 3/3.75/4.5/5.25 because 2 sec duration is very stupid
- Adaptiveness stat bonus rescaled: STR +12/18/24, AGI +14/21/28, INT +16/24/32, additional bonuses are same
- Rhasta's Voodoo manacost decreased by 10, duration increased by 0.25 sec, cast range increased by 50. It still worse than Lion's, but have at least little lower manacost and little better cast range.
- Death Coil cooldown 5 -> 4.5 (as on tooltip, as it should be)
- Fire Remnant damage 100/150/200 -> 100/250/400
- Trample cooldown 13 -> 19/17/15/13 MS slow from 75% -> 50%, range 1000 -> 700/800/900/1000
- Anchor Smash minus dmg 60% -> 45/50/55/60%
- Lucent Beam cooldown 6 -> 5
- Double Edge cooldown 8 -> 5, with Multicast damages caster by 175/200/225% (as spending mana) (doesn't work on -bo mode, ofc)
- Crystal Nova manacost 100/110/120/130 -> 120/130/140/150 (it slows AS)
- Arrow Shower manacost 120/130/140/150 -> 100/110/120/130 (it doesn't slows AS), MS slow from 50+5% per hero to 40+8% per hero (ex. no heroes = 40% slow instead 50%, 1 hero = 48% instead 55% etc.)
- Frost Nova manacost 125/150/170/190 -> 100/115/130/145
- Frostbite manacost 130/140/150/160 -> 100/115/130/145 because it: can be easily removed, reduced by stun stacking and don't prevents casting.
- Dispersion % on non-str heroes from 10/13/16/19% to 7.5/10/12.5/15% (on STR 6/8/10/12%)
- Spin Web have 0/0 day/night vision as it should be (instead 200/200)
- Neutral Dark Troll's skeletons attack range 90 -> 100, backswing 0.56 -> 0.5, ms 270 -> 280 dmg 24 -> 25
- Ghost ship removed from stunlist for -ls/-3ls
Global ultis:
- Ghost ship removed from stunlist for -ls/-3ls
- Improved Primal Split pandas stats: Storm got lower invi cd, Earth got 3 levels of Pulverize, all got a bit lower attack animation time and backswings, base attack time longer at 1 lvl, but some faster at 2 and 3 (1.35 -> 1.4/1.3/1.2), Fire panda hp rescaled from 1200/1200/1200 to 1000/1200/1400, Permanent Immolation radius from 220 to 200/220/240 attack range from 128 to 128/150/175 because he's growing, Invis CD 7 -> 4, Dispel Magic CD 6 -> 4
- Primal Split Cooldown from 180/160/140 to 140/120/100 (as on tooltip, no more)
- Reincarnation manacost 160/200/240 -> 200/300/400
- Poison Nova manacost 150/200/250 -> 200/275/350
- Aghanim's Poison Nova doesn't increases damage anymore, just prevents healing and reduces cooldown.
- Shadow Dance can't be picked with Spin Web
- Doom cooldown 110 -> 165, DPS 25/40/55 (same with agh)
- Chain Frost without agh CD 145/115/60 -> 120/90/60 (as intented), manacost (non-agh and agh) 200/325/500 -> 200/350/500
- Reaper's Scythe manacost moved back to 200/350/500 (it's very powerful skill, trust me)
- Sonic Wave manacost from 200/250/300 to 200/300/400
- Laguna blade manacost from 280/420/680 (280/420/640 agh) to 250/400/550
- Finger of death manacost from 200/420/650 (200/420/625) to 200/400/600
- Pulse Nova manacost changed to 75/100/125 + 25/40/55/sec
- Infest Cooldown from 80 to 100/75/50, making it some more useful in midgame and lategame.
- Dark Rift manacost 75/150/225 -> 150, cooldown 75/65/55 -> 100/80/60
- Time lapse aghanim cooldown 20 -> 30/25/20, cast range 1000 -> 800/900/1000
- Nether Strike cooldown 80/70/60 -> 60/50/40, with aghanim 30/25/20, fixed: aghanims gives +150 cast range at all levels (was only on 3 lvl ulti)
- Macropyre aghanim bonus pure dmg reduced from 40 per sec to 30 per sec
- Rearm manacost 150/300/450 -> 150/250/350
- Mass Serpent Ward manacost 200/350/600 -> 200/400/600
- False promise cd again reduced: from 60/55/50 to 60/50/40 (there was some mistakes when we was increasing this)
- Spell Steal Agh cooldown 4/3/2 -> 6/4/2
Skill panel
- Guardian Angel Manacost increased a bit to 150/200/250, cooldown from 100 to 120/110/100. In addition, with aghanim's range is really global and duration decreased by 1 sec to 6/7/8
- Ice Blast CD 40 -> 45
- Thundergod's wrath aghanim dmg reduced from 440/540/640 to 350/500/650, manacost from 225/325/450 to 225/350/475
- Wrath of nature cooldown from 90/75/60 to 80
- Haunt cooldown from 130 to 160/140/120
- Overgrowth cd from 70 to 90
- Vital Strike cd from 14 to 14/13/12/11
- Spectral dagger Cooldown increased by 1 sec
- Remote mines Lvl 2 manacost from 240 -> 250.
- Swoop Down Cd from 50 to 60/55/50, AOE from 290 to 300
Annex 1, all Devour neutral skills changed:
- Changed skill position of blast Psionic Trap (on hero) to prevent issues with second ulti.
- Changed skill position of Fire Remnant (moving).
- Changed skill position of Blinding Light and Recall (KOLT Ghost Form) for same shit.
- Changed skill position of Battle Cry (hero) for same shit.
- Changed Secondary Chakram Hotkey skill position (for same shit, ofc) and Hotkey from R to V.
- Changed all devoured active skills position for same.
Harpy's chain lightning manacost 60/80/100/120, cooldown 4, castrange 750, jump 500, 4/5/6/7 targets, first dmg 100/140/180/220, dmg drop 25/22/19/16%.
Ogre's frost armor manacost 25, cooldown 5, duration 40, castrange 800, armor bonus 2/4/6/8, slow same.
Ursa's Thunder Clap manacost 80/95/110/125, cooldown 12, duration 3, radius 300, slow 20/24/28/32%, dmg 90/120/150/180
Ursa's AS aura radius 900 (standart aura radius) 12/16/20/24%
Satyr's Manaburn manacost 100, cooldown 22/18/14/10, manaburn 100/150/200/250, 600 radius, 75% of burned mana to damage
Satyr's Purge manacost 120/110/100/90, cooldown 8/7/6/5, slow factor 5, castrange 350/400/450/500
Satyr's Shockwave manacost 100, cooldown 10/9/8/7, range 700, radius 180, damage 80/120/160/200
Satyr's Aura radius 900, hpregen +2/4/6/8
Alpha wolf's aura radius 900, +10/14/18/22% dmg
Alpha wolf's crit x1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0
Kobold's aura radius 900, MoveSpeed +9/12/15/18%
Forest Troll's heal manacost 10, cooldown 0.5, heal 10/16/22/28
Forest Troll's mana aura radius 900, MP regen +2/3/4/5
Centaur Stun manacost 150, radius 275, duration 1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5, dmg 50/75/100/125
Gnoll's Poison MS slow (!) 6/9/12/15%, duration 6/8/10/12, dps 8/12/16/20
Wildkin's Tornado 150 manacost, CONTROLLABLE AND NON-CHANNELING, speed, slow, sight, and damage radius improves per level. Can create some tornados (effect doesn't stack). Good for scouting or stacking neutrals.
Tornado stats: Castrange 500, Cooldown 30/25/15/20, Duration 40, Speed 125/150/175/200, AS/MS slow 10/15/20/25%, sight 400, damage and slow radius 300/400/500/600
Wildkin's Armor Aura radius 900, armor +3/4/5/6
Dark Troll's Raise Dead no changes (in progress)
Dark Troll's Ensnare cooldown 20/18/16/14, manacost 100, castrange 475/550/625/700, duration 1.75/2.0/2.25/2.5, now uses stun decreasing mechanism.
Frost Attack (Ghost) 20% slow, 2/3/4/5 sec duration.
Golem's rock manacost 100, cooldown 16, castrange 800, duration 0.8/1.0/1.2/1.4, damage 90/120/150/180, now uses stun decreasing mechanism.
Doom Hatchlings (Golem) no changes.
Annex 2, actual values of hero's backswings, no matter if changed or not
Normal heroes:
Vengeful Spirit 0.57
Zeus 0.366
Enchantress 0.5
Morphling 0.5
Crystal Maiden 0.3
Sven 0.3
Naga Sires 0.5
Earthshaker 0.5
Rikimaru 0.3
Lone Druid 0.53
Bear form 0.6
Lina 0.6
Juggernaut 0.6
Silencer 0.5
Treant Protector 0.6
Tauren Chieftain 0.5
KOTL 0.6
Ursa 0.4
Ogre Magi 0.3
Tinker 0.65
Furion 0.6
Phantom Lancer 0.5
Tiny 0.7
Techies 0.5
Chen 0.5
Moonrider 0.5
Sniper 0.7
Troll Warlord 0.3
Rhasta 0.5
Wisp 0.4
Brewmaster 0.55
Centaur 0.3
Gondar 0.51
Dragon Knight 0.5
Antimage 0.5
Drow Ranger 0.3
Omni 0.5
Rexxar 0.5
Jakiro 0.5
Alchemist 0.65
POTM 0.5
Storm Spirit 0.3
Huskar 0.5
Lanaya 0.5
Puck 0.5
Clockwerk 0.57
Admiral 0.3
Windrunner 0.5
Gyro 0.6
Thrall 0.5
Tuskarr 0.54
Phoenix 0.633
Bristleback 0.3
Rubick 0.6
Ember 0.3
Legion 0.6
Skymage 0.6
Shredder 0.64
Lycan 0.5
Brood 0.5
Mortred 0.5
Gorgor 0.6
Night Stalker 0.5
Leorik 0.4
Doom 0.5
Nerubian Assasin 0.5
Slardar 0.54
Akasha 0.4
Bone Fletcher 0.4
Void 0.5
Viper 0.6
Razor 0.6
Naix 0.44
Pugna 0.5
Tide 0.55
Bane 0.6
Necrolyte 0.47
Pudge 0.6
Bara 0.3
Nerubian weaver 0.36
Shadow Fiend 0.54
Sand King 0.47
Axe 0.5
Bloodseeker 0.6
Abaddon 0.4
Spectre 0.5
Witch Doctor 0.5
Obsidian Destroyer 0.55
Warlock 0.3
Geomancer 0.52
Dazzle 0.3
Pit Lord 0.6
Undying 0.3
Dark Seer 0.5
KODO 0.43
Enigma 0.6
Batrider 0.5
Anciet Apparition 0.3
Slark 0.3
Soul keeper 0.6
Leshrak 0.6
Shadow Demojn 0.5
Lich 0.5
Death Prophet 0.5
Lion 0.5
Venomancer 0.6
Magnus 0.5
Necro'lic 0.54
Chaos Knight 0.5
Winter Wivern 0.6
Arc Warden 0.6
Earth Spirit 0.55
Oracle 0.6
Crabe Lobster 0.5
Sieger 0.5
Sorceress 0.5
Invoker 0.6
Formless 0.5
Space Orc 0.5
Ogre Lord 0.5
Fire Lord 0.5
Talon Queen 0.5
Bear Form 0.6
Spirit KOTL 0.6
Troll 0.3
Dragon Knight 0.4
Alchemist 0.65
Lycan 0.25
Soul Keeper 0.55
DotA v6.85o1 LoD
DotA 6.85o5 LoDDotA v6.85o1 LoD by Dracol1ch
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- DotA 6.85o5 LoD 20 май 2018