Config (lod.config.ini in the Warcraft 3 root folder)
It is recommended to backup your old "config.lod.ini" file and create a new one by loading the map in single- or multiplayer (the latest version of the config is automatically created newly when you start the map, it will not overwrite an existing old version though)
- Config file updated to fit dota's one, but still most of the options do not work.
- Added support for CameraHeight option.
- RealStop/RealPatrol and other Real* binds are outdated and replaced with ExtraSlot1..5 binds, aligning left-to-right top-to-bottom. ExtraSlot1 for old "move", ExtraSlot2 for old "stop", etc.
- BingMove/BindStop/BindHold/BindPatrol now actually binds the stated action instead of the button.
- Added quickcast options support (untested)
Balance & Features
- Fixed Silver Edge proc on every attack ingame
- Improved attack detection mechanic to prevent false-positive cases
- Changed lane creeps AI a lot, it will also affect neutrals vs creeps interactions (only if you're playing with at least one observer)
- Creeps can no longer see units that normal heroes cannot (e.g. attack an uphill target)
- Fixed using Ice Blast activating all existing Ice Blasts instead of your only
- Fixed Guardian Greaves didn't allows Eul to provide bonus movespeed
- Fixed Spiked Carapace affecting hero for attacks made by his wards or similar summons
- Fixed Tidebringer giving permanent extra damage when learning the ability
- Fixed Essence aura restoring normal amount of mana with Arcane Orb when you also have Ball Lightning
- Fixed critical strikes with lower multipliers overrode bigger criticals
- Fixed Berserker's Call interaction with other armor bonuses (e.g. Reactive Armor)
- Fixed Shadow Dance issues with pseudo-invisibility under Track/Amplify Damage
- Fixed Blademail persisting through death of the user
- Fixed Necromastery spawning souls' visual effect even when not consuming them
- Fixed an issue which allowed to cancel an attack under Duel and other similar skills
- Fixed swapping heroes not resetting PlayerControlledUnits group
- Fixed non-homing missiles to be homing
- Fixed Shackles allowing enemy to turn invisible
- Fixed a rare bug with False Promise
- Fixed some item abilities counting as an ultimate and starting visual cooldown in the scoretable
- Fixed Stampede's slow always lasting 1.5s
- Fixed Stampede providing Aghanim's bonus even when not upgraded
- Fixed Force of Nature's icon positioning
- Fixed a couple more tooltips
Devour's War Stomp:
- Reincarnation reworked: On respawn, a reincarnated hero will resurrect with less HP, equal to the same percentage of his MP at the moment of death. The minimum is 40%, the maximum is 80% MP-to-HP. Manacost changed from 200/300/400 to 200.
- Replicate no longer allows the user to constantly jump back and forth, now simply destroys the illusion on use.
- Chronosphere movespeed from 600/700/800 back to 1000
- Chronosphere (agh) manacost increased to normal (non-agh) values
- Rupture no longer penetrates invulnerable units
- Eul's movespeed bonus now stacks with itself
- Eul no longer has issues with illusions
- Deafening Blast range reduced from 900 to 800
- Deafening blast no longer affects invulnerable units
- New visual effect for Blademail
- Berserker's Rage (Troll transform) BAT from 1.55 to 1.6, movespeed from 310/320/330/340 to 300/310/320/330
- Kodo base MS from 310 to 300
- Drums of War tooltip fixed, damage/AS bonus decreased to 6/8/10 dmg and 3/4/5 AS per item
- Vital Strike damage amount now linearly increases with the target's HP
- Berserker's Call duration from 1.5/2/2.5/3 to 1.6/2.0/2.4/2.8
- Tether HP/MP heal to ally 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4 -> 0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2
- Lion's base STR 16 -> 18, INT 22 -> 24 (attack damage stays the same)
- Glimpse cast range 600/1000/1400/1800 -> 600/900/1200/1500
- X-marks the spot cast range 400/600/800/1000 -> 500/600/700/800, self/ally duration 8 sec -> 6 sec
- Flamebreak no longer interrupts any orders the targets gave before
- Satyr Trickster now gives 21 exp instead of 41
- Skink courier replaced with Golem's courier
- Removed targeting restrictions from Vacuum (e.g. targeting a cliff didn't work before)
- Frostmourne movement speed bonus from 15 to 10%
- Trueshot bonus damage reduced from 18/24/30/36 to 12/18/24/30%
- Shadow Dance passive bonuses now has 1 second delay before getting activated (deactivation time still 0.5 seconds)
- Shadow Dance passive movespeed bonus reduced from 30/35/40% to 25/30/35%
- Amplify Damage' armor reduction from 10/15/20 to 8/14/20
- Spin Web's fade time increased from 2 to 4 seconds for ranged heroes
- Stampede duration from 3.75 to 3.5/3.75/4 seconds
- Poison sting bonus dmg from max hp 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5% -> 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2%, duration 6/9/12/15 -> 6/8/10/12, can't disable dagger/heart
- Leveling Devour now levels up usable secondary skills as well
Stun duration from 1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 to 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0, with diminishing returns; AoE from 250 to 240/260/280/300
Devour's Raise Skeletons:
Raises 2 Skeleton Warriors from a corpse. Attack damage 17/28/39/50, 250/350/450/550 HP. Attack range 100/128/150/175. Movespeed 260/290/320/350.
Cast points:
Supernova 0.01 -> 0.2
Ice blast 0.01 -> 0.2
Shapeshift 0.3 -> 0.0
Fade bolt 0.1 -> 0.2
Fire Remnant jump 0 -> 0.4
Venomous Gale 0.0 -> 0.2
Plague Ward 0.0 -> 0.1
Config (lod.config.ini in the Warcraft 3 root folder)
- Hotkeys for Move/Stop/Hold/Patrol now override any other ingame hotkey
- Added DisableDefaultAltHotkeys option into Hotkeys section of Config, it disables default ingame hotkeys based on Alt like AltQ, AltS, etc
- Added SmoothFogReveal Visual option to toggle new fog of war behavior (where it dissipates instantly - only visual)
- Using ShopsQWERTY option will now disable default shop's hotkeys completely
- Added multiplier support into CameraHeight option
Balance & Features
- Fixed Cold Embrace lasting forever
- Fixed Forget Spirit duration being too high
- Fixed Dark Rift lacking cooldown
- Fixed Ravage cooldown on levels 2 & 3
- Fixed Poison Sting duration still not being updated
- Fixed incorrect Tiny's stats gain
- Landing after Arctic Burn will cause trees around the hero to be destroyed
- Fixed observers displaying at the leaderboard
- Fixed observer's name appearing when creeps destroy a tower
- Fixed Deafening Blast not providing disarm
- Fixed Toss still trying to toss nothing when no projectiles around available
- Fixed mixing Spell Steal with some other spells could lead to their permanent vanishing
- Fixed Primal Roar, Chaos Meteor, Sun Strike, Sand Storm, Illusory Orb could mess up damage source which leads to teamkills or so
- Fixed courier's Burst not providing MS over 522
- Fixed Strygwyr's Thirst not providing MS
- Fixed Paralyzing Cask had no delay effect on hit jumping onto next target immediately, now they do have 0.3 s delay between each jump
- Fixed Multicast buffs affecting 1 more target than should
- Fixed Terrorblade hero missing HP regen
- Force Staff no longer has restrictions in terms of pathing
- Pathing rules no longer mess with forced movement skills (Skewer, Rolling Boulder, etc)
All metamorphosis-based skills now receive the same armor, movespeed and damage as it's basic form:
- Reminder: You may use doubleclicking (doublepressing a spell's hotkey) to cast spells on yourself that are self-targetable (purification, repel, etc. etc.)
- Manabar width reduced
- QoP and Visage's BAT increased from 1.6 to 1.7
- Lion's damage increased by 2
- Sleight of fist cd from 30/24/16/8 to 20/16/12/8
- Slithereen crush cooldown increased from 8 to 10
- Magic Missile cooldown reduced from 10 to 9
- Malefice cooldown reduced from 15 to 13
- Poison Nova (aghanim) now has increased damage again, 30/55/80 to 50/85/110
- Paralyzing Cask cooldown from 12 to 15
- Fissure cast point from 0.5 to 0.4
- Malefice and Paralyzing Cask no longer counted as stuns and both no longer cause diminishing returns
- Added -nn mode to all -ARDMOM GhostBot modes
- Bear form got +1 armor
- Elder Dragon Form tooltip now correctly states 315MS
- Chemical Rage movespeed bonus increased on level 2
- Flesh Golem got +1 armor
- Shapeshift now provides 2 less armor but has 5 more damage
- Shapeshift movespeed increased from 600 to 650
-ls (Limit Skills) reworked:
HCL modes:
- no longer limit the amount of spells taken from a single hero;
- prevents from taking more than 1 disable per player;
- disables Deminishing Return mechanic from stuns
- mdls changed from mds6ff3ls to mds6ffls
- added sdls for sds6ffls mode
DotA v6.85o1 LoD
DotA 6.85o5 LoDDotA v6.85o1 LoD by Dracol1ch