WFE (Warcraft Feature Extender)


WFE (Warcraft Feature Extender) - программа для расширения потенциала Warcraft III

  1. WFE (Warcraft Feature Extender)

    1. Added "Move Camera" flag to "Save Unit" section, which has 3 states:
    1) Off.
    2) Always. Meaning it will move the camera when autoselect is on or when hotkey was issued.
    3) On Key. Meaning it will move the camera when and only when the hotkey was issued.
    2. Fixed accidentally broken support for 1.27a.
    3. Updated Chinese localisation. (thanks EdgarL).
    4. BuffBar Section renamed into Buff UI.
    5. Buff UI Section reworked completely and now it's similar to Cooldown UI in terms of control.
    6. Added new options to Buff UI Section:
    1) Show Indicator - this will draw a duration indicator, like in Diablo 3. (This will currenly only work, if Upgraded Buff Bar is enabled).
    2) Enable Fade - this will enable/disable the blinking (fading) animation of buffs. (By default it's turned on).
    3) Refresh Time (ms) - this, like in Cooldown UI will control the frequency of Buff updates.
    4) Text Size - this, like in Cooldown UI, will control the text size of the duration time. (This will currenly only work, if Upgraded Buff Bar is enabled).
    5) Draw Aura Duration - when enabled, this will draw duration for buffs that were acquired through auras.
    7. Buff UI is now in a separate configuration section, namely BUFFUI akin to COOLDOWNUI.
    8. Buff UI will also accurately draw total DoT duration (since these buffs are also 2 second long, that get refreshed every 1 second until the original buff is over, which is not drawn).
    9. Reworked Cooldown UI Section and moved it to Interface Section.
    10. Fixed issue with Leaderboards being always drawn/hidden when Leaderboard option was enabled/disabled, which was bypassing whatever was set by the currently playing map.
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